
She is her ancestors wildest dreams.

Jessica Newman is a social justice educator, artist, and cultural bridge builder. As the Co-Founder and Artistic Director for Modos Dance Company, she uses dance-movement therapy approach to provide a space for healing.

Jessica leads critical dialogue and trainings at various institutions and organizations focused on equitable leadership, structural oppression, and liberation. Her work is intersectional, transformative, and focused on the pursuit of justice for all individuals and groups who stand at the intersection and margins of historical and current systems of oppression. .


  • What are we truly saying when we say Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

  • Who do we want to impact?

  • How do we make sustainable change that is intersectional?

Jessica birthed Transformation Lens, LLC to challenge our world to think about diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond the checkboxes and the bottomline.

Rooted in these mindsets and questions, Jessica developed transformation lens to be the bridge to individual mindsets to systemic change. It is known that we are all impacted by the systems we move through daily.

As an educator, life-long learner, and vision birther-Jessica aims to help people develop their idea of liberation, pursue change management with an equitable lens, and work towards a world we all want to live and work in.

Through coaching, consulting, and training Jessica has been able to work alongside individuals and organizations while they live out their diversity and inclusion statements with her unique lens of healing, social justice, and anti-racism.

Jessica knows this is the start to THEE WORK - Systems and policies have to reflect reconciliation of the past, continued healing, and a dedication to consistent evolution.

I am nothing without the accountability of my community.

Without community there is no liberation.  - Audre Lorde

Jessica’s presence when she walks into a room is unmatched regardless of how you feel on the inside. I like that she makes me feel safe naturally. 

— S.Gray

Jessica is a passionate equity centered leader! She holds people with love and high expectations to do better. She is an amazing planner and facilitator. 

— Rachel B.


Bachelors, 2014 - Global Studies focused on Business

Bachelors, 2014 - Global Studies focused on Business

Masters in Science, 2016 - College Student Personnel Administration

Masters in Science, 2016 - College Student Personnel Administration

Associate Diversity Coach, 2020

Associate Diversity Coach, 2020